Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bad blogger!

My poor blog has been poorly neglected! How bad, or I should say how long? Almost a year! Ouch (tsk tsk)! My goodness at all we've been up to. Moving, having another (EEK!) baby, Mike deploying, Micah starting school, selling our house, moving yet again, birthdays, milestones..... I could really go on. Like I said already, bad blogger!
So where did we last post and were are we now?
Last post- Living in Avondale. Now- Moved to Iowa briefly, then back to AZ. Now residing in Tucson.
Last post- Thinking we were done having kids after Harrison. Now- Harrison is now the proud big brother of Karleigh Elizabeth.
 Born February 11th at 12:34pm. Weighing 7lbs 1oz.

Last post- Mike still stateside. Now- He is now dodging IDF's and eating horrible chow in a giant sandbox.

Last post- Micah at home with mommy being his personal preschool teacher. Now- My big boy is now a bus riding, word reading, test taking, field trip adventuring kindergartner!
 Kaelyn eagerly awaits his return home daily to badger him about all he learned and the 'cool' things he did.
*Can you find my dude in this pic?
Last post- We were living in our 'dream house'. Now- With a deployment looming and a 4th baby on the horizon we decided to sell the house and move closer to Mike's family in the grand and beautiful state of Iowa. That was short lived folks. My AZ warm blooded arse barely survived one of the worst winters Iowan's had witnessed in almost 100 years!!! So during Mike's 2wk R&R we moved back to the dry and sunshine state we call Arizona. Now are living (temporarily, yay military!) in Tucson.
Last post- lemme see.... Harry still 0, Micah 5, Kaelyn 4, Mommy 29, Mike, 33. Now- Mizz Karleigh is now our 0 baby, Harry just hit 18 months, Micah turned 6 in Jan, Kaelyn turned 5 in Feb
, I hit the 'dirty 30' in Feb
 & poor Mike got to celebrate 34 with a bunch of men saying 'Happy Birthday, Sir.'.
Last post- Our toothless wonder (harry) was a fat, semi-bald baby who spit up alllllll the time. Now- He is sprouting teeth like crazy.
 Yet has the best disposition about it all. Food is #1 for our little tank. Fruits, veggies and cheese are a daily must for him. Talking? Not so much. In due time. Micah wasn't much in communication as a toddler so I'm not too worried. He's pretty good with gestures and gets his point across with a good foot stomp and an occasional head bang or two. We are also awaiting the Army to upgrade my husband's rank to captain, easier said than done.
So now that I'm allllllll caught up I will make it my mission, job goal to be on here more. Updating, venting, storytelling and rambling. Here we goooooooo!!!!!!

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